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James Hutchinson
Four-Legged Stool, 1985

16 × 12.5 × 42 in (W x D x H)
40.64 x 31.75 x 106.68 cm

Material: Walnut

The Four-Legged Stool by James Hutchinson stands as a remarkable example within the realm of studio furniture. Drawing inspiration from the work and teachings of Tage Frid, this stool represents an evolutionary step from Frid’s iconic Three-Legged Stool, showcasing the maturation of his design principles. This piece epitomizes the Studio Craft Movement, excelling in both form and function.

The Four-Legged Stool by James Hutchinson is an outstanding example of studio furniture and a testament to the rich legacy of the Studio Craft Movement. Drawing inspiration from the work and teachings of Tage Frid, Hutchinson’s stool can be seen as an evolutionary advancement from Frid’s renowned Three-Legged Stool. It demonstrates a mature interpretation of Frid’s design principles, seamlessly blending form and function.

Notably, James Hutchinson’s contributions to the craft extend beyond his creations. In the 1980s, he served as an educator at Peter’s Valley School of Craft, where his influence and expertise in furniture design were imparted to a new generation of makers. This role further cemented his significance in the field and provided a platform for him to extend the principles embodied in his work, such as those seen in the Four-Legged Stool, to the students of the craft and design community of.

Signed: ‘James Hutchinson, 1985’


1 Available

Dimensions16 × 12.5 × 42 in
ArtistJames Hutchinson



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