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Fabien Dubrunfaut
Exe-tensile, 2023

29 × 31.75 × 40.5 in (W x D x H)
73.66 x 80.65 x 102.87 cm

Walnut, metal rods and upholstery

With his recent series, Fabien Dubrunfaut takes his drawings from concept to completion, with a special focus on seating. Dubrunfaut’s furniture is made from carefully selected American hardwoods, featuring strong and precise exposed joinery. His work is sculptural and exceptionally comfortable.

Fabien (Fab) Dubrunfaut was born in 1956 in Tourcoing, Northern France. His earliest indication of an artistic future came before high school when he was advised that he could draw. Drawing would remain the foundation and wellspring for all his artisanship to come.

Dimensions29 × 31.75 × 40.5 in




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